Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Iccckkyy Sicckkyy

This past week at my house has been madness. In a long string of what I consider complete and utter stupidity a poor choice in decisions by some others, but family has now been infected with a nasty stomach bug. I can't stand vomit, like, AT ALL. It is atrocious, disgusting, icky, gross, so on and so forth. ICK. So the second my husband got sick, I told him to go to our room and stay there. He was not happy that I quarantined him, but hey, a woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do. I then cleaned the bathroom like he was infected with the Ebola virus and washed everything he touched in the house. My poor husband spent his entire night on the bathroom floor, this virus was kicking butt and taking names. The next day, Everley got it....which only further infuriated me. My poor sweet girl did not understand anything that was going on and was really upset that mommy would not give her milk or regular food. Ugh, the joys of motherhood. I love being a mom, don't get me wrong, but seeing your babies hurt, makes me heart so sad. When Phillip got home from sick, I condemned him to the playroom with orders to play with toys, play the Wii, watch netflix, and veg out on whatever he wanted as a bribe to stay there so maybe he wouldn't get sick while I finished decontaminating my house. Today is day 3. Bradley is better, Everley is still a little sick, and I felt a little bit of it coming on but I have hopes that I have fended it away...Phillip is still unscathed...I'm hoping to keep it that way. I have done more laundry in the last 3 days than I have all month, I have been puked on, cleaned up nastiness, and probably should take stock in Lysol and bleach. On that note, I'm off sleep and hope that day 4 will be nothing like the last 3.

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